Now place the remaining circuit components using the techniques discussed in the previous steps. Close the window to return to the schematic entry window. By default, the Select a Component window keeps returning as a pop-up until you have completed placing your components.If you need multiple components you can repeat the placement steps as shown, or place one component and use copy (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) to place additional components as needed.Without a power and ground your simulation cannot run.Repeat steps 7, 8 and 9 to place a second DC_POWER component.Place the DC_POWER component on the schematic.Go to the Sources Group again and highlight the POWER_SOURCES Family (if not already highlighted from the previous selection).After placing the component, the Select a Component window will open again automatically. Move the mouse to the appropriate place on the workspace and left-click once to place the component.The Select a Component window temporarily closes and the ground symbol is ‘ghosted’ to the mouse pointer. Select the GROUND component (as shown in Figure 2).Select the Sources Group and highlight the POWER_SOURCES family.The Component Browser shows the component name, symbol, functional description, model, and footprint all in a single pop-up.The components (or parts) are organized into Groups and Families to intuitively and logically group common parts together and make searching easier and more effective.Finally, the User Database is where custom components are saved that can be used only by the specific designer. The Corporate Database is where you can save custom components to be shared with colleagues. The Master Database contains all shipping components in a read-only format. The Component Browser organizes the database components into three logical levels. The Select a Component window appears (also known as the Component Browser), as shown in Figure 2.